Fire extinguishing systems implemented by us
We have designed and installed several fire extinguishing systems in residential buildings, commercial properties, production plants, hospitals and rehabilitation institutions. Our customers include large construction companies, municipalities, cities and companies. We have carried out several of our contracts as turnkey contracts. Below is a list of our contract sites. Contact us and ask us for more information.
Forest and chemical industries
2023-> Versowood sprinkler pumping station
2023-> Versowood Tasa 1
2023-> Versowood pellet warehouse
2023-> Versowood fire extinguishing system
2023-> Versowood Tasa 3 extension
2023-> Metsä Board Latu 2
2023-> Metsä Board sprinkler extensions
2022-> Junnikkala Sawmill in Oulu, turnkey contract
2022-> Versowood Dimensio and protection for halls
2022 LATU 1 Metsä Fibre Kemi
2022 Pölkky Oy, Taivalkoski Sawmill
2021–2022 Expansion of the Fresh Servant salad factory, sprinkler design, Jakobstad, 10,000 brm2
2021–2022 Extension of Gummerus Kirjavälitys
2021 Versowood Greco warehouse
2021 Vaara Sawmill, fire extinguishing systems of the new planing hall
2018–2019 Keitele Group Oy, sprinkler design as a turnkey contract for the new production facilities of Alajärvi Sawmill, approx. 16,700 m2. In addition, all machine protection and the pumping station as a turnkey contract.
2018 Alajärvi Pumping Station, sprinkler design, Keitele Group, Alajärvi, 1 pc
2018 Packing plant and sorting, turnkey contract, sprinkler design, Keitele Group, Alajärvi, 5,000 brm2
2018 CABB Chemicals, turnkey contract, sprinkler design, CABB Chemicals, Kokkola, 650 brm2
2017–2018 CABB Chemicals, Kokkola, extension, MONI1
2017 Extension of a drying plant, sprinkler design, Keitele Group, Kemijärvi, 3,300 brm2
2017 Pumping station renovation, sprinkler design, UPM-Kymmene, Jakobstad, 1 pc
2017 Drying plant and sorting hall, turnkey contract, sprinkler design, Keitele Group, Alajärvi, 13,000 brm2
2016–2017 Keitele Group Oy, sprinkler design as a turnkey project for the warehouse tracks of Kemijärvi Sawmill, approx. 3,500 m2
2015–2016 Keitele Group Oy, sprinkler design as a turnkey project for the warehouse of Kemijärvi Sawmill, approx. 8,800 m2
2015-2016 Storage space of a timber industry plant, sprinkler design, Keitele Group, Kemijärvi, 8,800 brm2
Power plants
2023-> Iisalmi power plant fuel processing lines
2022 Reduction and turbine hall, Tampere Power Plant, Tampereen sähkölaitos
2022 Neve Suosiola Rovaniemi, fire extinguishing systems and fire water systems for a new discharging hall
2022 Sappi Kirkniemi, fire extinguishing system for a power plant
2021–2022 NSL power plant in Tampere, fire water supply, process extinguishing system and fire extinguishing system for fuel processing lines
2018–2019 BMH Technology Orsted Bioenergy & Termal Power A/S, Karlunborg, Denmark, design of and contract work for a fire extinguishing system
2018–2019 Örsted Power Plant, turnkey contract, sprinkler design, BMH Technology, Denmark, 3,000 brm2
2018–2019 Vantaan Energia/Marbio, turnkey contract, sprinkler design, BMH, Vantaa, 3,000 brm2
2018 BMH Technology Vantaan energia Oy, Vantaan energia, MARBIO Martinlaakso Vantaa, design and contract
Storage and production facilities
2023-> Baltic Boat, Pietarsaari
2023-> Lujabetoni, hall extension
2021-> Fresh Servant, extension of Jakobstad Salad Factory
2018-2019 Fresh Servant, Jakobstad, salad factory approx. 10,000 m2
2017–2018 Kesko Oyj, extension of a daily consumer goods storage, 17,400 m2, Skanska talonrakennus Oy
2017 Luja Talo Oy, extension of the Kärsämäki factory
2016 Logicor Oy, HUS Arkisto, turnkey contract, 3,300 m2
Infrastructure projects
2022 Outokumpu Deep Mine −1,000 m
2022 Fire extinguishing equipment, fire monitors and fire water systems of an LGN terminal in Ingå, Gasgrid
2021–2022 JOERA, fire extinguishing system, electricity, automation, HPAC, pumping stations and fire monitors of the Joensuu railway yard, NRC Group Oyj
2019–2021 Blomminmäki Sewage Treatment Plant, Espoo, turnkey contract, ARE Oy
2019–2020 Kivenlahti station on the West Metro, sprinkler/fire water system, Skanska Infra Oy, Skanska Talonrakennus Oy
Commercial properties
2023-> Pyhä Kultakero 2
2022-> Pyhä Kultakero 1
2021 Next Keilaniemi, fire extinguishing systems for an office building
2018 ECHA congress and office, sprinkler design, Skanska, Helsinki, 22,000 brm2
2017–2018 Aviabulevardi 2, sprinkler design, Skanska, Vantaa, 14,000 brm2
2017–2018 Rautalo, sprinkler design, Skanska, Oulu, 8,000 brm2
2017–2018 Ostosraitti in Kauhajoki, turnkey contract, sprinkler design, Rakennusliike Somero, Kalajoki, 8,000 brm2
2017–2018 Laktoke Hotelli Scandic, sprinkler design, Beab, Vantaa, 10,000 brm2
2017–2018 Kesko extension V2, sprinkler design, Skanska, Vantaa, 17,000 brm2
2016 KOy Helsingin Lepakko, sprinkler design, Kaunisto Yhtiöt, Helsinki, 6,000 brm2
2016 Ruosalantie Archives, sprinkler design, Logicor, Helsinki, 3,500 brm2
Hospitals and rehabilitation institutions
2021 PPSHP replacing the gaseous extinguishing systems for transformers
2017–2019 Sodankylä Health Centre, turnkey contract, sprinkler design, YIT, Sodankylä, 10,000 brm2
2018 Sheltered accommodation of a municipal retirement home, sprinkler design, Omera, Helsinki, 1,000 brm2
2018 Pajula Sheltered Accommodation, sprinkler design, the Municipality of Sievi, 2,100 brm2
2017–2018 Kankarepolku, sprinkler design, Omera, Helsinki, 2,500 brm2
2017 Sara Waklin, sprinkler design, Oulun Remonttimylly, Oulu, 1,500 brm2
2017 Porkkatörmä in Kuusamo, sprinkler design, City of Kuusamo, Kuusamo, 8,000 brm2
2017 Caritas Maininki, sprinkler design, Raahen Lämpöinssit, Oulu, 2,000 brm2
2016 Raahe Sheltered Accommodation, sprinkler design, Raahen Lämpöinssit, Raahe, 1,800 brm2
2016 KOy Oulun Höyrymyllyntie, sprinkler design, Raahen Lämpöinssit, Oulu, 2,000 brm2
2015–2016 Pudasjärvi timber manor, sprinkler design, Lemminkäinen, Pudasjärvi, 3,700 brm2
Public buildings
2021–2022 Fire extinguishing systems of Viitasaari Church
2021 Fire extinguishing systems of Oulainen Church
2014–2015 Pudasjärvi school campus, sprinkler design, installation contract, Lemminkäinen, Pudasjärvi, 10,000 brm2
Residential buildings
2023-> Poikuekuja, Ruukki
2018–2019 As Oy Asemantorni 2, sprinkler design, YIT, Oulu, 120 flats
2017–2018 As Oy Puusinfonia, sprinkler design, Talokolmikko, Järvenpää, 30 flats
2017–2018 As Oy Asemantorni 1, sprinkler design, Lemminkäinen, Oulu, 120 flats